Taking time to care for ourselves is an essential practice. This is particularly true for those of us who care for others (at home, in our communities or through our chosen vocations). This is even more integral during a global pandemic. As an essential worker myself, with family and loved ones who are essential workers, it is important to me that I am available to those in need of individualized practice during this time.
Individual Sessions
Pricing for individual sessions is as follows:
Virtual (via Zoom, with consult beforehand) $145
In-Person* (Los Angeles Area Only) Contact me to discuss pricing and availability
*As a fully vaccinated (COVID-19) essential worker, I am available to work in an in-person capacity, locally, so long as COVID-19 precautions and best practices are in place.
Group Sessions
Sessions for group practice are designed to serve community members who also work or volunteer in a capacity where self-care is integral to your ability to effectively care for others. This includes but is not limited to first responders, community organizations, medical workers and educators. Please contact me to arrange a session.*
Commitment to trauma-informed practices
Research and thousands of years of documented practice teach us that yoga and breath work have been integral in processing trauma, acute stress and chronic stress. I come to work with others from my own lived experience:
I was unsure where to begin, and if I could.
I was struggling with physical injuries as well as emotional pain.
I needed support.
I wanted to find enjoyment in my life and in moving my body.
Past and current trauma lives in our bodies. For some, this means beginning a healing practice can be daunting. It may mean that experiences we have strived to move past can resurface, forcing us to process things we are not prepared or unwilling to remember. Having support from others who understand this and have worked through it themselves can be comforting when our bodies and hearts feel overwhelmed.
If we do come to work together, I will endeavor to support you however I can as you begin your healing journey. If we do not have the opportunity to work together, I encourage you to reach out to someone for support in finding an individual or group who can work alongside you as you begin this process. During this period of great isolation, it is important to remember we do not have to do challenging things alone.